Abaddon -
Why are you posting prejudiced shit resolute Bandicoot? And
what if I were a Muslim?
I've no interest in listening to a bigot on YouTube blow off with error after error in his monolog, but quite happy to have a dialog with you if you use your own words to express what you think.
Pat Condell is quite a talented word smith actually, who strikes blow after blow right on target.
I’d be happy to discuss the pro’s and con of Islamic doctrine and history
I find it absolutely hysterical when non-believers take 'holy books' more seriously than the majority of the believers do, as most believers, whether they are Christian or Muslim only take what is convenient to them.
Islam is Mohammed and islam is the quran, mohammed was the perfect man and the perfect example of conduct for all muslims and the quran is the perfect book, the original copy resides in heaven with alah. These are not negotiable corner stones of islam, any nominal muslim who does not submit to this understanding and embrace the full connotations of this is not a muslim.
Look at how the expression of Christianity has changed in two hundred years - not because of any revelation from god, but because secularism and pragmatism has rubbed off the awkward bits and allowed people to ignore large parts of the Bible.
Islam is at the beginning of this process in many countries. Outside of the febrile imaginations of those pushing divisive ideologies, many Muslims in the West are well down this road.
There are some problems with this theory, there are checks and balances built in to prevent reformation, the “gates of Ijtihad” (enquiry into Islamic theology) have been closed since the 10th century. All credit to guys like Zudy Jasser who strive hard in this direction but are huge obstacles
Many people are no doubt puzzled why we sometimes hear about mosques being blown up by other muslims, there are two main reasons for this, firstly the suni / Shiite squabble and secondly, where the imam is a moderate or a reformer.
Put simply if you try to reform islam then you are an apostate and the punishment for apostasy is death.
The fact is culture expresses religion; religion does not express culture.
Have to sharply disagree here, in places where islam holds sway the religion is the culture 100%.
Islam is not just something you do at the mosque on Friday, it is religious system that embraces a legal system that is obliged to create a military system to protect the religious elements. It is also a banking and financial system , an education system, a dietary system, need I go on, how can you say it is not the culture?
This is how nasty, sexist, violent, racist Christian countries changed to far more peaceful and egalitarian ones. The culture changed, and people reinterpreted the religion accordingly (and became more and more nominal believers if not outright atheists). Our great great great grandfathers would consider the education of women nonsense, wife beating and marital rape a man's right, that an unchaperoned woman was a whore, that a woman showing her hair in public was likewise a whore,
Sounds like Islamic law to me
that it was right to impose religion with violence, that slavery was ok, that invading countries for trade or resources or just for land was totally permissible,
Standard Islamic parasitic business model
that god created the world in seven days...The culture in parts of some Muslim countries is basically unchanged from the time of WWII (and in many cases that means it closely resembled the culture in the country two hundred years ago, thus my comparison with great great great grandfathers), in others it has progressed. Immigrants carry cultural values with them, their children possess a blend, their grandchildren begin to resemble the 'norm' for that country. This has happened with almost every immigrant group in the past.
It will happen with Muslims because they are people just like us. The vast majority of the Muslims I have lived, worked and studied with are no more a risk to society than the average nominal member of the C of E, so it is happening, has happened.
Yes many of them appear to be just like us, until you mention mohammed in a bad light and then they try to cut your head off. If you’re not sure about this ask a devout muslim about the disgusting incident of mohammed giving his dead aunty a FWF while she lay dead in her coffin and see how you go.
Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance, how many times have you seen this scenario on the news, there is a jihad attack somewhere and the news guys are interviewing the neighbours of the jihadi, “he was just a normal guy”, “they were mostly quiet and kept to themselves”, “I can’t believe it was him, there were no signs that he was a radical”
As Simon said, “a non muslim defending islam is like a turkey defending Christmas”